Samsung has unveiled the highest density of world RDIMM (registered module memory dual inline). The DDR3 memory module boasts a high-32GB of memory and is designed for server use. New RDIMM including 72 dedicated DDR3 chip, each configuration memory 4 GB. This model is because there may be class-50nm DRAM process technology, which can package all costs to QDP (quad-die-package) on both sides of the module. This package will be expected to provide the best performance of the server used during the running of the process.
The RDIMM is thermally efficient, with less power for rail transport of 1.35V to reduce the level of power consumption 40 percent compared with conventional DDR3 modules. More than what is produced on a 20 percent increase in performance in the system faster, higher density memory modules.
However, for those who wish to buy a huge 32 GB of RAM will have to wait until Samsung decides on price and availability. RDIMM from a target, especially at companies use - workstations, servers and high-end desktops - the price can still higher than at the end.