Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Video Glass procuder work

      Travel Gadgets How to be more mobile and versatile, they also have more staff. Our mobile phones, iPod and BlackBerry devices are the portals into our private world of music, photo collections and e-mail. When we use it, we forget the world around them. But for lovers of privacy and seek refuge, they Gadgets May not be sufficient. People around you may even hear half the conversation on your mobile phone, and you can really trust the man sitting next to you in the crowded terminal not to listen to your e-mail?
      The brief to find a single corner or talking in a whisper, there's another way to escape your world while you travel. Some developers have made with the video glasses that allow you to watch movies wherever you go. Although they have the same principle of binocular vision (we learn later), the film avant-garde eyeglasses are as old handheld View-Masters of your childhood. These video glasses offer hands-free, and experience of the screen.
      Video glasses are a new idea in the world of high technology, in which they have been known as a kind of head-fixed display (HMD). They are also called personal viewer. Whatever you like dub, you can not deny that HMD technology has improved considerably in recent decades. When the first widely introduced in the market in the 1990s, consumers have been underwhelmed with the results. In the form of heavy, ridiculous-looking helmets, this novelty Gadgets failed to attract buyers.

