Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Computer In a keyboard

      keyboard. It also has a small touchscreen display to replace the number pad is right.


    As the wireless HDMI, this is a fully functional computer with a full QWERTY mini secondary touchscreen.
     Asus does not make it clear, if / when we actually see the EEE keyboard comes on the market (even though we have a lot of that is half-real product), but this is a great idea if we will see home Theater PC. Through the wireless HDMI can make their own TV Monitor (with audio playback), without the need to carry out some of the big PC space
ASUS is planning two versions of ASUS EEE PC with a wired keyboard, HDMI, and the second, with the participation of the manager in accordance with the Wireless HDMI Jonney text. If the ASUS EEE PC Keyboard - who built the Intel-powered nettop is a QWERTY keyboard, 5-inch touchscreen, and is intended for multimedia use - the aim is to Q2 2009 started in June suggesting the most likely text.


The specs include:

1.6Ghz Atom Processor

1GB of Ram

8GB or 16GB SSD Drive

5″ Touchscreen display

VGA and HDMI output (optional wireless video capability)

      With regard to prices, is reluctant to have accurate data, the EEE PC keyboard, citing economic uncertainty. At the same time, it is recommended for about $ 400 for the wired model and $ 400 and $ 600 wireless model.
     To this end, EEE PC keyboard was the first announcement is the CES back in January 2009, ASUS has brought Cebit 2009, and are more forthcoming with the hardware specifications. On board using the Intel Atom 1.6GHz processor and 1GB of RAM, or 16GB SSD or 32gb storage.

